To all Prospective Lincoln County Schools Volunteers
The Lincoln County School volunteer policy has been updated. Please pass this along to non LCS employees who may want to volunteer. This does not apply to current LCS employees.
Starting today, anyone volunteering at our schools, going on field trips, or helping chaperone students will need to undergo a background check. This does not apply to individuals who have already been approved for this year, nor does it apply to volunteers working at sporting events, such as those handling concessions or gates. We believe this is an important step to ensure the safety of our students.
You can obtain a background check by using the link or calling the number below. The cost for the background check is $35. Once your forms are submitted, you will receive an appointment at LCC (Lincoln County Opportunity Company) in Hamlin. Copies of your background check will be sent to Lincoln County Schools, Attention: Sue Burton.
To schedule your ten-minute fingerprint appointment, visit and enter the Service Code 228QN5. When prompted, please provide the Facility ID: UEWV00104.
Be sure to bring one of the following identification documents to your enrollment appointment:
Driver's License issued by a U.S. state or outlying possession
Driver's License Permit issued by a U.S. state or outlying possession
State ID Card (or outlying possession) with a seal or logo from the State or State Agency
Federal ID Card with a seal or logo from a federal agency
Government ID Card with a seal or logo from a local government agency
Commercial Driver's License issued by a U.S. state or outlying possession
Department of Defense Common Access Card
Employment Authorization Card/Document (I-766) with photo
Foreign Driver's License (Mexico or Canada only)
Foreign Passport
Military Dependent's ID Card
Permanent Resident Card/Green Card (I-551)
Merchant Mariner Card (MMD)
Military ID Card
Passport Book or Card
Enhanced Tribal Card (ETC)
Uniformed Services ID Card (Form DD-1172-2)
If you don’t have access to the internet, you can still schedule your appointment by calling 855-766-7746.
If you have any questions, please contact
Sue Burton
Family Engagement Facilitator, Lincoln County Schools
304-824-3033 Ext 6252